

2021.11.04 電気通信大「イノベーティブ理工系英語教育研究ステーション第24回研究会」で講演


The 24th Research Seminar of the Research Station for Innovative & Global Tertiary English Education (IGTEE), UEC Tokyo

【日時】令和3年11月4日(木)(Nov. 4, 2021, Thursday) 16:15 - 17:45 

【ZOOM MEETING】(申し込みフォームを参照)

Title: Corpora and Word Lists: How to Choose Academic Words

Presenter: Shin'ichiro Ishikawa    Kobe University


Corpora have been widely utilized for compilation of varied types of word lists. In this talk, I will briefly touch upon the history of corpus-based word lists. Then, I will introduce two kinds of recently developed wordlists: New JACET8000 (JACET, 2016) and BABILON2000 (Ishikawa, 2018). New JACET8000 is a general-purpose word list designed for college students in Japan. It is based on the frequency data from the British National Corpus (BNC), Corpus of  Contemporary American English (COCA), and a set of supplementary corpora including the texts that Japanese students are likely to encounter in the near future. Meanwhile, BABILON2000, which is intended to expand the Academic Word List (Coxhead, 2000), is a list of high-frequency and high-coverage academic words chosen on the basis of six key principles: BAlanced, Broad, Integrated, Lemma-based, and OpeN.
